Monday 18 June 2007

China - Day 1 (again)

Hello all. Here is a summary of my week. I just know I will forget all this stuff if it isn't written down. So here it goes.

Day 1 - Tuesday
So last time I blogged was last tuesday morning. Right after that we went on our first trip into mainland China. Went just across the border to Shenzhen. Was all rather exciting. Didn't really do a lot once there. Just came back again. But everything went good!

Had some really weird food on the way back from McDonalds of all places. I thought it was an ice cream with kiwi sauce or something similar and chocolate bits. Turned out the sauce was green tea flavour and the chocolate bits were red beans. Yes I had beans with my ice cream. And you know it didn't taste too bad.

That night me and steve decided to wonder the streets of Hong Kong for something to eat. We went to the first non dodgy place we could find which turned out to be HK Hard Rock Cafe. Which played truely awful music.

Rubbish. I just tried running spell checker there and at least half of what I've wrote vanished. I thought they were meant to be incrediably technologically advanced here... Now where was I.

Ok so after food we wondered about the Avenue of Stars. This is like a promanade the overlooks Hong Kong island. Seen this at least twice before and it is still awesome. Then there are hand prints of famous China actors on the ground. I knew of two of them. Oh and there were these performers there. This wee China man was spinning this huge pot on his head and throwing it all over the place. Was a bit crazy.

Drat I've ran out of time. Didn't get very far there at all. Stupid spell checker. And I have so much to say. Ah I'll try not to forget...

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