Sunday 19 August 2007

This one's about a dream...

I had a dream last night. So because I've little better to do I thought I'd turn it into a song. Its basically new lyrics for the song Faust, Midas and Myself by the mighty Switchfoot.

Enniskillen, Disney Land and Warren

This one's about a dream
I had last night
How I made a trip back
To Enniskillen
I hadn't been there in 8 months
And was very excited
Fermanagh's great
Fermanagh rocks
Fermanagh is
Possibly the greatest place on earth

I heard the place has changed a bit
Its got bigger
But what I saw I was
Not prepared for
From when I used to live there
Everything had changed
Everything I'd seen
Everything I'd know
Everything I remember about that place

You have changed so much

You have changed so much

Now in my dream I see
Lots of skyscrappers
And huge big metal bridges
Over Lough Erne
And then most to my surprise
There among it all
Among all the buildings
In what was once very small
Is Disney Land Northern Ireland

You have changed so much

You have changed so much

Disney Land
Disney Land
What the flip?
What the flip?
Are you doing in Enniskillen?

This is so bizzare

I'm sitting inside a huge big Disney Land building
In a little cafe
And who was working there?
Warren Brownlee of course
What a surprise
He never let me know
I felt so out of touch
Left out in the cold
For a place I used to know had become so distant

I could not believe the change
I could not believe the change
I felt so out of touch
I felt so out of touch

What the heck?
What the heck?
What the heck?
What the heck?
How could this all have changed so soon?
What the heck?
What the heck?
What the heck?
What the heck?

I looked out of the window
At the streets outside
They were moving a huge monument
Into place
Then something did go wrong
The monument collapsed
Crashed into the building
That I was sitting in
Taking out the foyer
And that was that

You have changed too much

You have changed too much

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